
Schweden 2015-129Lately it has been quiet on this blog, very quiet. This was due to a couple of reasons. At the beginning I didn’t really feel like blogging. I was out of ideas and didn’t really feel like creating something, I was just kind of stuck. After a while, the inspiration came back but that was when I had absolutely no time to do anything else than working and writing papers. And now I have to announce, that it might possibly stay this way for a little while longer.

2016 is the year of change for me. I am almost done with university, which means that I can no longer hide from the real world. I am trying to adjust slowly and this is why I´ll be doing an internship in Berlin for the next few months. I can´t really estimate, if and how much time that leaves me for blogging and creating recipes and since I don’t want to pressure myself and enjoy my time here in the big city, I can only give you a rather vague “maybe, maybe not”. There might be something happening here, there might not but if you want to know what I am up to, you can keep me company over at Instagram.

Since I didn’t want to start my break without saying anything further and since I didn’t have time to come up with a creative recipe, I am trying something new today. There are various bloggers out there, who sent around a series of links here and then and I´ve always like this very much. I am not the biggest internet guru, mostly I am hanging out on the same three websites but nevertheless, here is what I found interesting, funny and/or delicious the last couple of weeks.

Vegetable chips made in the oven – for years I thought that I didn´t like beetroots. Turns out I was wrong and they are utterly tasty when they are turned into chips.(Recipe only in German)

Spinach Tortellini Soup – it has been a while since I made this recipe but it´s always a winner.

Baby elephant gifs – this is my internet happy place. No matter how bad your day is going, it´s nothing cute tiny little baby elephants can´t fix.

Trash is for tossers – a couple of weeks ago I discovered this blog and was very impressed by the way, Lauren Singer managed to reduce her waste. We all know that we are producing way to much trash but I haven’t really looked into the ways this could be reduced. I definitely want to implement some of her ideas.

Why are vegetarians annoying? – Spoiler alert: because they are right. If you´re looking for good, reflected thoughts on current topics, Hank (and his brother John) Green are always there to help.

Jordin Fisher: Those magic changes – I can´t get this song out of my head!

Alex Diel: Nur ein Lied – I´ve already talked a bit about what is happening in my country right now. It hasn’t really gotten better but fortunately, there are still voices out there like the one from Alex Diel. I couldn’t find the lyrics in English but basically, this song is about spreading love, not hate! Definitely worth listening too.

Picture – Sweden during summer time.


3 thoughts on “Interlude

  1. Hi Ineke!

    Vielen Dank erstmal für den Link zur Zuckerbäckerei! Ich wünsche dir eine super Zeit in Berlin und dass dein Praktikum so wird, wie du es dir vorstellst. Dein Blog bleibt auf jeden Fall auf meiner Leseliste!

    Btw, die Elefanten in deiner Sammlung sind wirklich süß 🙂

    1. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar Jana. Ich verfolge deine Linksammlung wirklich gerne, da ist jedes mal etwas interessantes dabei. 🙂

  2. Liebe Ineke,

    hui, lieben Dank für die Verlinkung! Ich merke gerade: Hab viel zu lang keine rote Bete Chips gegessen. Ich bin dann mal einkaufen. 😀

    Hab´s fein

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