Raspberry-yoghurt cake

Himbeer-Joghurt-Kuchen (26 von 34)I´ve thought about it for three years. Every time I saw a young women with short hair or a celebrity would cut their hair, I got this longing, combined with a pang of jealousy. Why did they all look so pretty? Would I automatically become one of those hip young girls? Or would I look more like the reincarnation of the backstreet boys? I would ask pretty much anyone about their opinion, friends, family, complete strangers…until I finally did it and made an appointment at the hairdresser.Raspberry-chocolate-cake (10 von 86)

Well guys, I did it. I chopped it all off. My hair is the shortest it has ever been. I´m rocking a pixie and I love it. Well okay, I did have one or two mini panic attacks at the hairdresser. And when I left I wasn’t sure if I just made the biggest mistake of my life. But I guess riding your bike through windy Northern Germany does the trick. Once I got home I fell in love with the new cut. And it´s so damn practical. Just imagine all the water I´m saving every morning from now on. And no more long hours of blow drying your hair. I love it!

Now let´s get to today’s recipe. If you’re lucky (and depending on where you live) you might still get your hands on the last local raspberries. I had to search a little longer when we went foraging but we did manage to find a few and since I still needed a traditional cake recipe this month, I decided to make a raspberry-yoghurt cake. If you can´t get any raspberries, blackberries are in season for a little while longer. Otherwise I guess it´s already time to say goodbye to summer and wait for next spring. Although we shouldn’t miss out on all the wonderful things fall brings. Can´t wait for the first pumpkins and plums to arrive.Himbeer-Joghurt-Kuchen (14 von 34)

For the crust (26 cm spring form):

220 g all-purpose flour

30 g cocoa

1 tbsp. sugar

1 egg

125 g cold butter

For the filling:

375 g yoghurt

250 g quark or cream cheese

400 ml milk

½ lemon

150 g sugar

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

2 bags of agar-agar (vegetarian gelatin)

500 g raspberries

1) Knead the ingredients for the crust until you have a shiny dough. Wrap in cling foil and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Spread the dough into a buttered spring form and bake for 15-20 minutes in the preheated oven at 175°C degrees. Let cool completely.

2) Pour the raspberries onto the crust. Mix yoghurt, quark, lemon juice and sugar. Pour the content of agar-agar bags into the milk and heat until cooking. Let cook for 2 minutes, then mix with the yoghurt-mixture. Pour the mixture on top of the raspberries and place the cake in the fridge for at least 4 hours until it has set. Decorate with berries.Raspberry-chocolate-cake (23 von 86)



2 thoughts on “Raspberry-yoghurt cake

  1. Hallo Ineke,
    das sind wieder schöne Fotos und ich werde die Torte nachmachen.
    Ich kann gar nicht glauben das deine Haare ab sind. Schickt doch mal ein Foto!
    LG auch an Niklas

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