Winter is here. With the cold came the snow and covered everything in a white winter wonderland. Which makes taking a walk so much prettier but everything else also a little bit more difficult. Riding my bike to Uni? Not an option anymore. Going for a run? Sure, if you feel like breaking a leg. Leaving the house? Only if absolutely necessary! Still, I loved watching the snow fall outside, while I was cozying up with a hot cup of tea. And I probably got more fresh air and exercise in the past week than in the last month combined because I tried to squeeze in a walk in the woods whenever I could. Winter is here and I love it!
Unfortunately the snow is almost gone by now but according to the forecast, this week is supposed to bring more cold wind and snow. And everybody knows, if it gets cold outside, it needs to be even cozier inside which to me means comfort food to warm me up. Today´s recipe is exactly that: comfort food aka a big bowl of warm delicious chocolate oats.
Oatmeal has had a pretty big hype in the last years, at least in the international blogger community. Here in Germany, oatmeal has a rather negative touch to it (which might have something to do with the horrible name it has: Haferschleim? Really). Thus, I only got to know the concept of warm oats for breakfast when I started blogging. But since then, I´ve loved it. They are so versatile and easy to make and ever since I discovered that you can add chocolate to them I´ve been hooked. The best part? Sprinkling chopped chocolate on top and waiting until it has melted before digging in. Can´t get better than this I tell you.
Notes to the recipe:
- The coconut milk gives this recipe the wonderful creamy consistency. However, if you don’t like coconut milk or don´t want to open up a can just for one person you can also substitute it for almond milk or any milk of choice.
- If you want to make this recipe even healthier, you could also add one teaspoon of chia seeds and/or one teaspoon of peanut butter.
- You can also use this recipe to make overnight oats. Just mix milk, oats, banana and chocolate (and if using, chia seeds and/or peanut butter) the night before, place in the fridge and enjoy in the morning. If you still want melted chocolate on top, just place the oats and chopped chocolate in the microwave for about a minute and you are good to go.
For two big or three small portions:
120 g rolled oats
150 coconut milk
150 – 200 ml almond milk or plant/nut milk of choice
3 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa
1 banana
1 teaspoon chia seeds (optional)
1 teaspoon peanut butter (optional)
For the topping:
Fruit of choice (berries, mango, pomegranate seeds, banana, etc…)
Per portion 1 tbsp. of chopped chocolate
1) Mash the banana with a fork. Combine banana, oats, coconut and almond milk and cocoa (and if using, chia seeds and/or peanut butter) in a pot and on medium heat let simmer until the oats have absorbed the milk. Take off the stove, place in serving bowls and serve with chopped chocolate and fruit of choice.
What a perfect bowl – there’s nothing better than chocolate for breakfast! And gorgeous pictures.
Thanks Josefine, you´re too sweet. I´m addicted to this bowl, I might need an intervention soon.
Das sieht ja wirklich super lecker aus, auch sehr schöne Bilder! Ich bin ein großer Fan von Haferbrei jeder Form, das klingt nach einer sehr leckeren Abwandlung die ich unbedingt mal probieren muss, vor allem den Tipp mit der Kokosmilch…
Liebe Grüße
Hallo Linda, danke für den lieben Kommentar. Ich war anfangs skeptisch Haferbrei und Schokolade zu vermischen aber seit ich es einmal ausprobiert habe komme ich nicht mehr von los. Ich hoffe es schmeckt dir genau so gut.
Lg, Ineke
Nicht nur das Essen sieht lecker aus, die Bilder sind zudem auch noch wunderschön! Hast du toll gemacht
Vielen lieben Dank!