Tortellini filled with goat cheese and chard

Tortellini-1I really try to eat as healthy as possible. Most of the times that is not very difficult for me, since I am a big fan of healthy food anyway. I love my veggies, legumes and quinoa and summer is my favorite time because of all the fruit that is in season. I make my own granola and always buy that rye bread but there is one thing where I am really not making any compromises. No matter how many times Hollywood stars and nutritionists are trying to tell me that carbs are the devil, I can´t live without pasta. It´s just too damn tasty. Tagliatelle, ravioli, lasagna or gnocchi, with fancy sauce or just sautéed in butter, pasta is definitely my food soulmate. Ever since I got a pasta machine, my love for pasta has grown even stronger. For daily purposes or when it has to be quick I use store bought pasta but every couple of weeks I get this urge to make pasta the good old fashioned way. It´s like meditation for me, I just love it. Continue reading “Tortellini filled with goat cheese and chard”

Homemade pita bread with falafel and coleslaw

Selbstgemachte Falafel-1A couple of weeks ago I talked about my fast food cravings. I´m usually not the burger person, instead I will almost always opt for falafel instead (unless we are talking homemade burgers of course). I´m not quite sure why, maybe it´s because the Turkish or oriental cuisine is more vegetarian friendly or maybe it has to do with my weird relationship with cabbage. I hate cabbage when it is cooked but love raw coleslaw. Does that make any sense? It´s almost as weird as the fact that I make basically all my recipes with tomatoes but I don’t like tomato soup. Continue reading “Homemade pita bread with falafel and coleslaw”

Chocolate-mascarpone-cake with pomegranate

Schokoladen-Mascarpone-Torte-1Developing new recipes for this blog kind of goes like this: I might be standing in the supermarket or sitting in class when out of the blue an idea hits me. Sometimes I see the whole recipe, sometimes it is just a flavor, color or ingredient to start with which ends up being the key factor in coming up with something new. From this point on I am obsessed and won´t rest until I have tried the recipe at least once…which might slightly annoy the people around me when I decide that Sunday morning or Wednesday evening is the perfect time to make cookies. Mostly I already have a set up in my head on how to style and design the recipe for the photos. The thing is that as awesome it can be in my head, it´s no guarantee that it will turn out that way. Something might go wrong with the recipe, the lightning might be dull or something just might be off with the overall taste and feeling of the cake/cookie/dish in question. It´s kind of like the first-pancake-phenomenon, you always have to throw out the first one before the good stuff happens. Continue reading “Chocolate-mascarpone-cake with pomegranate”

Chocolate cake

Schokoladen Torte-1 I am baaaack! Finally, Exams are over and I got time again to get baking. You can´t imagine how I´ve been itching to get back in my kitchen and behind my camera. If you are a fellow blogger and ever faced with that phase where you feel like you just can´t think of something creative, just take a break for a couple of days/weeks and you will realize how much you miss it. Continue reading “Chocolate cake”